It’s only been a couple of days since the terrorist Dylann Roof entered The Emanuel AME and brutally murdered nine people, and already the ammo-sexuals are out en masse, defending their weapons and trying justify what is just the latest in a series mass shootings.
Already my Facebook page has filled up with memes such as “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” While this is insulting enough, it’s the ones that follow that are even more egregious. Such as this one: “Guns don’t kill people: People kill people: You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game…” that really piss me off.
So I’ve started responding thusly:
Guns are manufactured for one reason only—to kill: To make killing easier; To able to kill from further away; To kill more people at the same time; To be able to kill at night; To kill silently; To kill through walls; To kill while on the go; To kill through bullet-proof vests.Now that that's out of the way, here's the real issue; you're comparing apples, oranges, and pears. This is called a logical fallacy. You're comparing an object created to kill with an object that created for a game and an object created for transportation. They have little to do with each other—except that the car is a great way to transport both of them. And it does make the drive-by shooting much easier.A baseball bat was created to hit baseballs so that a pitcher could throw a ball, and the batter could stand at the plate and hit the ball, and then try and run as many bases as he could. The baseball bat was created so that men and women, boys and girls, could all get together and eat hotdogs and drink beer (hopefully not the boys and girls) and all shout in unison, "We need a pitcher not a belly itcher."
Cars were designed and built to get us from one side of town to the other as quickly as possible, with bucket seats, air-conditioning, power windows, power steering, tinted glass, kick-ass stereo systems, digital music players, a sun roof and as much ease and comfort as the buyer can afford.
Guns kill people. That’s what they were designed to do. The entire purpose of the gun is to kill… You cannot be “pro-life” and pro-gun” since one is not compatible with the other. And you cannot call yourself a Christian, and defend the gun… or at least someone who values the words for Jesus.