I’ve been running across a lot of headlines that read something like…
- Christian Right-Winger Wants to End US Space Program Because the Aliens Are All Going to Hell Anyway
- Creationist Ken Ham Says Aliens Will Go To Hell So Let's Stop Looking For Them
- Creationist Ken Ham calls to end space program because aliens are going to hell anyway
—or something to that affect.
Well, Ken Ham says that they were all lying. That’s not what he said at all. He’s particularly annoyed with the Huffington Post as he titled his blog post:
Huffington Post Admits Its Site Was Always Meant to Be Fiction.
Now he admits he made that title up:
“Well, the HuffPost didn’t actually say that. But I’m using the same kind of logic and headline grabber one of its writers used in responding to an article I wrote recently!”Clearly though, he does not like HuffPo!
“Now the Huffington Post article “reports” (hmmm—that’s not a good word—let me try again) distorts my article about the search for life in outer space this way:”Although as a Creationist he clearly wouldn’t know a fact if it crawled up his hiney, continued upward through his digestive tract, and then bit him on the tonsils before crawling out his mouth and tap-dancing across his nostrils; and then, for good effect, pulled out his nose hairs one-by-one. But because HE says it’s true, then clearly it must be.
“Oh—and a lot of what is written on Huffington Post is really fiction, including some of the items that HuffPost has written about AiG and the Creation Museum, as many of you already know.”
Note:AiG stands for Answers in Genesis and has nothing to do with the insurance company. Thank God, since the last thing you want to do is insure anything with an organization that has lost complete touch with reality. Although insurance companies do use the term “act of God,” but they’re just using God as a way to avoid having to pay out on a claim.