Last night we were treated to an epic smackdown as Jon Stewart exposed Fox “news” for being… well… Fox “news.” This time it was their vilification of the poor. On his show, Jon pointed to their hypocrisy, their lunacy, and what has apparently become their self-parity. Since there’s no way I could do justice to his commentary, I’m not even going to try. Instead, here’s a link to the video and you can see for yourself.
As we watch this, we are struck with how bizarre this all sounds. Who, besides Ebenezer Scrooge BEFORE that fateful December evening could possibly have such hostility for those who suffer need? With all their wars, the War on Christmas, the War on Christianity, the War on the Job Creators, you would think that, since they’re bringing Jesus into all of this, there would be a War on Poverty. After all, if there’s one thing these pundits of propaganda in their parity of pandering to the paranoid know, it’s some Jezuz! He’s their man.
So how in the world can they be so polar opposite him on this one? The red highlighted text in their gospels suggests that Jesus was rather compassionate to the poor. So what happened? When did Jesus change?
Well, it turns out that Jesus didn’t change, we’ve just been reading the wrong scriptures. I have only recently unearthed the original documents, where Jesus spoke directly to the poor, and, unfortunately, they have been mistranslated over the years, and Fox is only just getting them right.
So here are a few, in their original form according to “Jesus’ War on the Poor.”