Oh those Conservative men and their fear of lady-parts—and apparently insurance forms.
Our story begins when several Catholic universities such as the formidable Notre Dame, as well as the anti-contraception/anti-abortion group (how’s that for an oxymoron) Priests for Life, went to court claiming that they shouldn’t be required to fill out a form that allows them to deny women birth control. It should just happen. It’s their inalienable right, and forms are just too… secular? … profane? … time-consuming? … who knows.
Of course this all stems from the now infamous Hobby Lobby ruling in which the Supreme Court ruled that closely-held, profit-making, Christian-misogynistic corporations such as Hobby Lobby could act as personal gate-keepers to a woman’s va-ja-ja. They were given that right by five Christian men—to… you know… slather their beliefs all over their female employees’ uterus. The Supreme Court handed these persons? … corporations? … religions? … churches? … Carte blanche control over one of the most sacred of women’s rights… the right to control their own reproduction.
WHY? Why should these men care so much what women do?